The Daily News

daily news

The Daily News is a major New York City newspaper, founded in 1919 and printed in tabloid format. At its peak in 1947, the paper had 2.4 million daily copies in circulation and was one of the eleven highest-circulating newspapers in the United States. Today, the Daily News is still printed in Manhattan at 220 East 42nd Street (also known as the “News Building”), an official city and national landmark designed by John Mead Howells and Raymond Hood that served as the model for the Daily Planet building in the first two Superman films. The newspaper also owns WPIX-TV and other TV stations.

The newspaper has an extensive staff of investigative reporters and is a pioneer in the use of photography to tell stories. It was an early user of the Associated Press wirephoto service and developed a large staff of photographers. It was a leading player in the New York tabloid wars of the 1920s and 1930s, competing with the Herald Tribune and Sun for readers. The News was known for its emphasis on political wrongdoing and social intrigue, such as the love affair between Wallis Simpson and King Edward VIII that led to her abdication.

In the 1970s, it shifted its focus to local issues and became one of the most popular daily papers in the nation, even though it was losing readers to the sensational rival tabloid, the New York Post. In the 1980s, the News lost a great deal of its influence when it was rocked by an unprecedented multi-union strike and began to lose market share to competitors like the New York Times.

By 1990, the newspaper was struggling to stay afloat and was in dire financial trouble. Rather than lay off its employees, it hired non-union replacement workers and continued to publish, but it could not continue to make money as the economy worsened. In 1991, the New York Daily News was purchased by controversial media mogul Robert Maxwell. Maxwell was trying to build a large media empire, and the acquisition of the Daily News was part of his strategy.

The News has a strong commitment to covering public affairs and is an advocate for the people of New York City. The paper has won Pulitzer Prizes for its coverage of welfare and civil rights issues, as well as for its coverage of police brutality against African-Americans. It has also been honored for its editorials and commentary.

Each edition contains comprehension and critical thinking questions, as well as multiple choice questions to help students develop their reading and writing skills. Each article is also accompanied by a teacher’s guide that includes suggested readings and teaching activities. This resource provides teachers with an easy way to incorporate the Daily News into their classrooms, and it can be used as a supplement to any curriculum. The Daily News has also launched an app for students that allows them to read the paper on their tablets or smartphones.

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