For most people, gambling involves playing a game of chance and hoping to win money. However, there are a variety of reasons why people gamble. For some, it’s to socialize with friends or for the rush that comes from a winning streak. Others may play for coping reasons or to escape from their problems. Regardless of the reason, there is one important fact about gambling that everyone should know: it can be addictive.
Gambling involves putting something of value at risk in the hope of getting something else of value, and it’s often associated with a high degree of uncertainty. While it’s possible to learn strategies that can improve a person’s chances of winning, these skills aren’t universal and don’t completely eliminate the randomness of the outcome.
The most common forms of gambling include betting on sports events, lotteries and casino games. The total amount of money legally wagered each year on these activities is estimated to be $10 trillion. However, there is a large amount of illegal gambling that’s even more significant in scale.
When talking with a loved one who has a problem with gambling, it’s important to remember that they didn’t choose to become addicted and that their addiction is the result of underlying mood disorders. People who gamble compulsively are at an increased risk of depression, substance abuse and anxiety. These underlying mood disorders can trigger or make worse gambling behaviors, so it’s important to seek treatment for these issues before trying to address the problem gambling behavior.
People who have a gambling problem often experience severe financial and personal consequences, including debt, credit difficulties and family tensions. They might also experience feelings of shame and guilt, as well as a sense of denial or inability to admit they have a problem.
For this reason, it’s important for family members and friends to take steps to protect the wellbeing of their loved ones and prevent escalation of the gambling problem. A few things that can be done include keeping a record of gambling activity, staying away from casinos, and avoiding activities that encourage gambling, such as watching sports or listening to music. It’s also helpful to avoid triggering thoughts and emotions by avoiding high-risk situations or by challenging irrational beliefs like the gambler’s fallacy.
In addition to seeking help for depression, anxiety and mood disorders, individuals with a gambling problem should consider family therapy and marriage or career counseling. This can help them work through the specific problems that have been caused by their addiction and lay the foundation for a healthier lifestyle without gambling. BetterHelp is an online therapy service that matches you with licensed, accredited therapists who can help with depression, relationships and more. Get started by taking the assessment and be matched in as little as 48 hours. No waiting lists or hidden fees. Try it for free today.