A daily news is a newspaper that contains current events and information. This newspaper can be published every day and can include articles on politics, business, sports, and more. It is important to keep up with current news because it helps you stay informed about what is happening in the world. A daily news can also help you make better decisions when it comes to your finances and other aspects of your life.
Founded in 1919, the New York Daily News considers itself “New York’s hometown newspaper,” informing everyday New Yorkers about their city and more. The paper is known for zesty headlines — perhaps most famously “Ford to City: Drop Dead” during the city’s financial woes in 1975 — gossip, intense city news coverage and star columnists like Jimmy Breslin and Pete Hamill. The Daily News has won a number of Pulitzer Prizes over the years, including this year’s public service journalism award for uncovering how authorities used an obscure law to evict hundreds of people from their homes.
Audra Anderson is an assistant editor and enterprise reporter for Cascadia Daily News. She grew up in Vail, Arizona, but traded in the prickly pear landscape for mountains and pine trees when she moved to Bellingham for college at Western Washington University, where she graduated with a degree in news/editorial journalism. She interned at CDN during summer 2022, and couldn’t say no to the chance to come back. When she’s not reporting, she’s likely to be found in the mountains or at one of Bellingham’s 17 breweries.
The Daily News Sentiment Index is a high frequency measure of economic sentiment based on lexical analysis of economically-related news articles. It aggregates individual article scores into a time series, using a statistical adjustment to account for changes over time in the composition of the sample. It is constructed using a version of the methodology described in Buckman, Shapiro, Sudhof and Wilson (2020).
Jaya Flanary is a digital editor/designer at Cascadia Daily News. She’s from a family of entrepreneurs and is passionate about telling human-interest stories that inspire, challenge and inform. She enjoys combining elements of narrative journalism, photography, documentary filmmaking and design to capture the essence of a place and a story. In her free time, she can be found enjoying the outdoors, working on creative projects or belting out karaoke at the local pub. She’s excited to be part of the team at CDN and is looking forward to a new adventure in northwest Washington state.