Law new is the term used to describe legal services that are provided through a different process or path. These methods of delivering legal services differ from one company to another but for many, the term is synonymous with innovation and creativity.
The most popular example of law new is in the context of alternative legal services providers (ALSPs), or companies, startups and law firm subsidiaries that are augmenting traditional legal services with technology-enabled solutions. Generally, these firms offer their legal services through an online portal or a mobile app, allowing their clients to access them when and where they want.
However, these firms are not alone in their efforts to innovate and change the way law is practiced. Other companies, such as those in the health care industry, have also adopted the term to describe how they provide their services.
Some of these companies have gotten so good at this new type of law that they are now considered part of the New York legal community, a designation that is not always easy to attain.
It is important to understand that a law only becomes law after it is passed by both houses of the Legislature and signed or vetoed by the Governor. This means that while you can participate in the legislative process by submitting your ideas for legislation, the actual drafting of bills takes place only in the Senate and is usually done by a specialized team of lawyers.
The first step in the process of making a bill into a law is to decide what it is about. Then, it must be drafted into bill form before it can be debated and approved in the Senate. This task is often done by the Legislative Bill Drafting Commission.
A bill is made law if the Governor signs it or vetoes it within ten days of its passage by both houses of the Legislature. If the Governor vetoes a bill, it is returned to the house that passed it, together with a statement of why the Governor vetoed it.
There are a number of reasons why bills get vetoed, including the Governor’s own preferences for the law, or the fact that the bill does not meet a legislative need. These reasons are discussed in the following sections:
Administrative Law
State agencies have created an enormous body of rules and regulations to carry out their duties and responsibilities under the statutes that govern them. These rules and regulations are known as delegated legislation, or simply delegated law.
Some of these rules and regulations have been affirmed by courts or are deemed persuasive authority in court decisions. Others are not binding law, but they can be helpful to lawyers and judges as they clarify the law in a particular area.
For instance, there are several laws and regulations that govern the way in which third-party food delivery services are licensed to do business in the City of New York. These include Introductions 2311-A, 2333-A and 2335-A, which were recently passed by the Legislature.